Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Tyro Group, (Tyro TopCo AS) registered company number 928 882 020, registered office address at c/o PELIAS Norsk, Skadedyrkontroll AS, Martensvegen 59, 2409 ELVERUM, Norway, is committed to safeguarding your privacy.

This policy, alongside our terms of use and other referenced documents, outlines how we treat the personal data you provide or that we collect.

We may update this policy, so please ensure you frequently review it.

For inquiries or to exercise any legal rights concerning your data, please contact

Please note our website is not designed for children, and we don’t intentionally gather data about them.

Important information and who we are

Contact Details:

  • Legal entity: Tyro TopCo AS
  • Email:
  • Address: Tyro Group, (Tyro TopCo AS) c/o PELIAS Norsk, Skadedyrkontroll AS, Martensvegen 59, 2409 ELVERUM, Norway

Data collection

Your data may be collected through:

  1. Direct interactions: You might provide us your Identity, Contact, and Financial Data via forms, phone, e-mail, etc.
  2. Automated technologies: We may automatically collect Technical Data during your visits.
  3. Third parties: This could be through analytics providers, advertising networks, search information providers, technical/payment/delivery service providers, data brokers or aggregators, and public sources like Companies House.

How we use your data

We legally process your data:

  1. To fulfill our contract with you.
  2. For our legitimate business interests, provided they don’t override your rights.
  3. To comply with a legal obligation.

Your consent will be sought for third-party marketing communications. Consent withdrawal can be done anytime by contacting us.

Data sharing

We might share your personal data with:

  1. External Third Parties (as detailed in the glossary).
  2. Specific third parties acting as joint controllers or processors.
  3. Third parties during business or asset sales/transfers.

All these parties are required to respect your data’s security.

Data security

We’ve established measures to prevent unauthorised or illegal data processing, loss, or destruction. We restrict data access to those with a business need and ensure they maintain confidentiality.

Data retention

Your data is retained only as necessary. Retention durations depend on the nature of the data and legal requirements. Some data may be anonymised for indefinite use.

Your rights

You can:

  1. Access, correct, or delete your data.
  2. Object to specific data processing.
  3. Restrict data processing.
  4. Request data transfer.
  5. Withdraw processing consent.


If unsatisfied, you can lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). We, however, request you to contact us first at


  1. Our websites:
  2. Lawful Basis: Involves our business interests, contract fulfillment, or legal compliance.
  3. Third Parties:
    • Service providers for IT, system administration, etc.
    • Consultants: lawyers, bankers, auditors, insurers, etc.
    • Governmental bodies requiring data reporting.
    • Business partners and subcontractors.

Remember, protecting your data is our utmost priority. We’re here to ensure your trust remains intact while engaging with Tyro Group.